Saturday, February 19, 2011

Observations from New Zealand

·        Now that I am finished with New Zealand, I have noticed a few things. These things are mainly from the South Island because that was fresh in my mind. I really loved New Zealand and was able to learn a whole lot from the trip. I hope these give a glimmer of those things.

No No one cares about security here.
o   They do not check liquids while boarding airplanes unless it is international
o   Domestic flights sometimes do not have security, well most time they don’t
o   They don’t even check, scan, weigh my carry on. Nothing.
They really just do not care. Airports are just weird when a full body scan isn’t required. I am not quiet sure if it is good or bad. It is just different, new, and something that would never ever ever fly in the US. Yes the pun was intended

·        New Zealanders are always on time but never rushed. It is refreshing when you compare it to the states, where everyone is never on time and always rushed. I fit in with society’s timing so much better. Lateness is just something that will always get under my skin, however, I am learning to relax and take things more easily.
·        People always know you are American. Always. It is without fail. This is a typical conversation with any foreigner over here.
o   Me: So where are you from?
o   Stranger (in some accent): Im from such and such small town in such and such awesome country, where about the states are you from.
They just assume that you are from there. I look European, I blend in, I still get called out for being from the states. People are also extremely interested in California and the adventure states. That is about all they know. I am also amazed at home many  people know or have some connection to North Carolina. Normally the group mentions that we are from Georgia, I am always proud and say NC. When someone knows anything about it, my hearts jumps and I get a little more excited. I am proud to be from the states, and especially NC.

·        The world attitude towards traveling, work, youth is so much different compared to ours.
o   It is common to take a year off between high school and college to work and travel. Everyone from Europe has this sense of adventure unlike most Americans. We are so get the job you want, make something out of your life, reach the next goal. It was refreshing to meet so many young people who want to experience the world. Who want to leave their bubble and experience anything and everything. They do any job they can get and just live. It is an amazing attitude.

My last observation is something that took my the entire six weeks to figure out. Why New Zealand is called the country of the giant white cloud. Sorry if this observation is less poignant than the others, however it is worth noting. Weather is extreme here. When it is cloudy it is cloudy. Clouds sweep over the sky and that is all you can see for miles. When it is sunny, boy is it sunny. It is really sunny. When it rains, it pours. When it is windy, well you get my drift. It is just a lot of extremes.
 This observations might seem silly, however, they are just a few of what I have learned over here. I wish I had the time to write them all down.This is just one of those trips that will be remembered by little things.

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