Thursday, March 10, 2011

Even a bad day in Sydney....

My suitcases are packed. Hotel room picked up. I am ready to go to Brisbane. I am not sure if I am really ready though. I thoroughly explored the city. I saw an opera. I learned how to surf. I got to be a beach bum. My list of things I got to do says I am ready to leave. But a check list doesn't really say much. Sydney isn't my favorite city either, but I am not ready to leave. I want to explore more. I want to explore the culture more. I am not regretting any of my decisions regarding how I spent my time. I just always think there is something more to see. I am leaving with some incredible stories and lessons learned though.

1) We are super dependent on computers. For those of you who didn't know, my computer broke at the end of the first week here in Sdyney. I had to be grown up and deal with it all by myself. I found a laptop store, looked into the best one. Asked around to Dell. I was going to do this the right way, and as cheap as possible to. I was devastated when I realized I might not have a computer for a week. How was I going to communicate with home for those weeks? It was a blessing in disguise if you looked at it the right way. Part of the study abroad experience is getting out of your shell. To branch out, to not be at home. I needed that reminder. I miss home. I do. But my parents did not pay this much for me to stay in a hotel room on my computer. I am supposed to get out and explore. Learn things. So my computer being broken was a gentle reminder that I need to get the most out of this experience. Then it came back safe and sound. So now I have a reminder and my computer back. It is a double win win situation.

2) There are horrible things in everyone's past. Australia is a rough country with a rough past. But more than that it has deeply seeded racial problems as well. Compared to the Maori people who were treated with some respect, the aboriginals were given not even an once. Reforms didn't even start to happen until years ago. They just were considered a inferior people and treated as such. We went through the Australia museum that had an exhibit of their past. It was incredible. The children were taken from their homes and brought up in the white culture. They were stripped from their families, put into orphanages, and treated cruely. There was entire section of paintings dedicated to this "Lost Generation." Those kind of things make you realize how good you really have it. I cannot complain about anything ever. I am so lucky to be given all the things I have been, to have a family that loves me, fair treatment under the law, opportunities.

3) My people skills are also greatly expanding. It is  nice to figure out what you really value in a person. One characteristic is positivity. Someone who always looks at the bright side of things is so much more enjoyable to be around then someone who is constantly complaining. For lent, I want to complain less. Second, appreciation. When someone can look around and notice the little things and really appreciate them. That is one of the best qualities. I was talking to someone and he said that even a bad day in Australia is better than a good day in the States. It is so true. Even when things went wrong here, you cannot get that upset. You
are in Australia. People dream about coming here. Letting something get in the way of you enjoying it is just silly. Silly silly. Third, people who make the best out of any situation. We had our bus break down on the way back from surfing. For starters, we were at McDonalds in a well light area. So things could have been worse. But it was nice to be with people who didn't complain and made the best out of the situation. You come to appreciate those people.

I have loved my time here. I have learned a lot. Gotten close to different people. Seen a lot of amazing things. I am extremely lucky person. I cannot believe I get to see these things I have gotten. I love Australia. New Zealand has my heart. However, there has been a little space left for Australia. I am excited to explore a new city. Travel a little bit more north. See new things. I am ready to be home though. I cannot wait to get off that airplane hug my family. Until then, I am going to get the most out of this experience. Three weeks left.

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